Well it's been almost 2 weeks since we've moved into our new house and what a whirl wind!
I learned two lessons when it comes to 'doing' projects around the new house:
Lesson 1. Begin making a list immediately. Wander around the house with a clip board and create a list--it's totally inevitable that in each room, you will come across something that needs to be done. Instead of just doing it, write it down...then do it and cross it off your list! How productive you'll feel! Ha! (Maybe try a lanyard with a clipboard attached--that way it never leaves your side ;)
Lesson 2. Prioritize your list. I learned that moving can be a very overwhelming task--especially if you like to 'do' things to your house like paint, decorate, add personal touches etc. etc. Prioritizing that list in to whatever categories you see fit will be so helpful in tackling ALL of the tasks...For example, although I'd love to get started on creating a really funky powder room--the reality is that the use of that space is already totally functional--I'd just be adding lipstick. What wasn't totally functional made it to the top of my list of things to do.
Lucky for me, the item on the top of my list included a little DIY and a little organization.
I know it's barely visible but there's clutter to the left on the counter...and the calendar is in a sorry place. Not to mention there are papers just shoved in the file box on the counter. |
The need for a command center became very apparent very quickly--in fact I even recall on moving day, looking at the pile of keys and documents on the kitchen counter closest to our back door--NOT OK!
And so began the collide of organizing and DIYing...
I actually started by just reflecting on what we needed in a command center. Here's what our family needed the most:
1. grocery list (clipboards were purchased at Dollarama. I just spray painted the chrome pieces with matte black spray paint to help make them a bit more rustic)
2. spot for 'stuff' that needs attending
3. Our family calendar (This is on a bulletin board that my husband and I made from an old bulletin board that had a broken frame, and an old frame from a friends parents' garage sale in High River--before the flood! I orignally thought about painting the frame but realized that the color of it matched the desk hardware perfectly--a match made in heaven!)
4. A drop spot for keys (hook plaque from Pier 1 Imports)
5. A drop spot for change, and my husband's wallet (tin that was originally used to house kitchen herbs. Purchased from chapters)
6. and stuff that needs filing and a spot for notepads to make lists, meal plans, draw pictures, write love letters, keep score in a game of scrabble etc. etc.
(bought this filing box from Winners!)
The desk, also mentioned in a previous post, belonged to my Grandma. I asked her about it's 'story' and she said, "Oh that old thing, we picked it up for nothing at a garage sale or something. We just needed something for the spare room. And it's not a desk. It's a vanity table." Bless her heart.
The chair was given to us by my mother-in-law and was also purchased at a garage sale!
Overall, I think I was successful in creating a Spencer Family Command Center! I would like to eventually paint the wall a bold color but for now, our family 'stuff' will continue to be dropped in a more organized fashion! Yahoo!
Thanks again for taking time to read my blog...Stay tuned for the next project!